Best ways to celebrate Mandela Day 2015

Mandela Day is coming up again, and as always, you are called to devote 67 minutes of you time – one minute for every year of Mandela’s public service – to a good cause.

July 18 every year – Nelson Mandela’s birthday – is recognised as International Mandela day, and people everywhere celebrate by acting on the idea that each person has the power to change the world.


Here are some of the events and activities you can get involved in this coming Mandela Day:

The Mandela Day Marathon

The Mandela Day Marathon takes place every year in KwaZulu Natal. The marathon itself is symbolic of Mandela’s journey, and as participants run it, they are encouraged to think about and celebrate the triumph of the human spirit.

The race starts at Manaye Hall in Imbali and finishes at The Nelson Mandela Capture Site, Howick. Participants can choose to take part in the full 42.2 km, 21.1 km or 10 km route options.


The Million Meal Challenge

The “Million Meal Challenge” is an initiative of Stop Hunger Now, an international NGO working in South Africa to eradicate hunger in the country. Over 6000 volunteers in Johannesburg, Cape Town and Durban will attempt to package one million meals in four 67-minute shifts. These meals will help SHNSA feed 5000 children healthy and nutritious meals for one year.

Volunteers are asked to volunteer at the Sandton Convention Centre, Canal Walk in Cape Town or Durban International Convention Centre.

If the goal of 1 million meals packaged is achieved on 17 July 2015, it will be a world first.


Bikers for Mandela Day

On 16 July 2015, DJ Fresh, Karen Zoid and a host of other celebrities and bikers will take part in the sixth annual Bikers for Mandela Day event. This year, the bikers participating in the initiative will travel from Johannesburg to Beaufort West, George, Knysna, Graaff Reinet and Bloemfontein.

The event is sponsored by 1st for Women Insurance and funds raised will go to assisting organisations that support victims and survivors of Gender Based Violence.

12 JULY, 2014 - Bikers leave Vryburg en route to Kimberly during the Biker’s for Mandela Day event. Biker’s for Mandela Day was launched in 2010 by Nelson Mandela’s personal assistant, Zelda la Grange. This is the fifth year the initiative has taken place and the first year since Mandela’s passing. This year’s theme was dedicated to helping those who have been affected by rape and gender based violence. 25 bikers took part in the trip which travelled over 1200km from Johannesburg, passing through towns in the North West, Northern Cape and Free State. The bikers visited organisations and centres along the trip to give a little of their time to help those in need. Picture: DANIEL BORN ©

67 Blankets for Mandela

67 Blankets for Nelson Mandela Day is a charity that started as an appeal on Facebook and is now a global movement that smashed the Guinness World Record by laying over 3000 square metres of blankets on the lawns of the Union Buildings.

Participants are asked to knit a blanket that is shared with those in need in all corners of South Africa. Those who cannot knit are asked to donate wool at various drop off locations around the country.


Other ideas for how to spend your 67 minutes:

  • Help out at your local hospice.
  • Donate toys to the children’s ward at your local hospital.
  • Tutor kids in a school subject you are good at.
  • Donate your old computer to a school.
  • Donate books to a school.
  • Participate in a city clean-up project
  • As an office, make sandwiches to hand out to the homeless
  • Serve food at a soup kitchen
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