Tag Archives: things to do in Durban

Ten things to do with bored kids this holiday


Tired of hearing “I’m bored” and “there’s nothing to do”? Or are you feeling guilty seeing  your kids spending their holidays in front of the TV or computer every day? Well, the school holidays are not over just yet and there is still time to save the day. Here are a few ideas for cool things to do before the kids go back to school – whether you are just at home or visiting another city.



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9 of South Africa’s Best Markets

Markets in South AfricaIn South Africa, markets come in all manner of guises, from foodie-focused affairs to fresh produce and design-orientated dos. Here is our selection of the country’s most well-established markets – all of which have a local-is-lekker attitude and promise a chilled morning (or afternoon or evening) of shopping, browsing and munching. (more…)

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Beginners Tips for Placing Bets at the Vodacom Durban-July

Vodacom Durban July raceThe phrase ‘off to the races’ conjures up images of men in top hats and women dressed to the nines – scenes from My Fair Lady encapture my mental images. While horse-racing is not all about fashion and status, events like the Vodacom Durban-July make it easy to forget that. With a number of fashion competitions taking place on the day, and the bar and restaurant marquees buzzing with an attractive crowd, it certainly is an event where people like to see and be seen. (more…)

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3 Small Nature Reserves in KwaZulu Natal

Beachwood mangrove nature reserve in kwazulu natal

Beachwood Mangrove Nature Reserve.

So we know by now that city people like to take a break from the city every now and then. To this end we have been looking into the small nature reserves around various South African cities that can be reached easily from said cities. To date we’ve looked at nature reserves in and around Cape Town and Joburg, and today, Durban, it’s your turn. Here are three nature reserves in KwaZulu Natal which are quick and easy to reach from Durban. (more…)

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Durban in a Day – Things to Do in Durban

Durban promennade with water feature
The city of Durban lies on the warm east coast of South Africa, about 600km from Johannesburg. It is blessed with a warm sub-tropical climate with ocean temperatures dropping to all of 20 degrees Celsius in winter! It boasts long stretches of beaches, one of the largest Indian populations outside of the Indian subcontinent and beautiful scenery just inland. There are endless options for Durban holiday accommodation and endless things to do in Durban. To start you off here are a few ‘musts’. (more…)

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